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So a big announcement this week from the news desk of Charlie Day, Glenn Howerton & Rob McElhenney‘s The Always Sunny Podcast. As of this past week, the trio will be telling It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia tales twice per week now, on Mondays and Fridays. So to make sure we’re caught up, we’re sharing our second review/recap for the weekend. Previously, we covered “The Gang Gets Racist” (review), “Charlie Wants An Abortion” (review), “Underage Drinking: A National Concern” (review), “Charlie Has Cancer” (review), and “Gun Fever” (review). That brings us to a look at S01E06 “The Gang Finds a Dead Guy,” which was directed by Dan Attias from a story by Day & McElhenney, and a teleplay from McElhenney).
S01E06 “The Gang Finds a Dead Guy”: At first, I wasn’t sure we were going to learn too much about this episode specifically but then the trio rattled off some pretty interesting intel. This was the first episode where Mac’s road to discovering his true sexuality began. Howerton also sees this episode as the one where Dennis started coming into his own, and the trio agrees that this was the first episode where Dee was well-written from beginning to end with her phobia to old people (noting that was also the point where Dee became equally sleazy with Charlie, Mac, and Dennis. In particular, Howerton noted that he was a big fan of the scene where Dee pukes through her fingers because of how it played out and how realistic it was. This was also the episode that would solidify the show’s effective use of having two or more members of The Gang engaging with an authority figure across the table (or in that type of back-and-forth). And much like the big Thrice mystery, ut would appear the trio had nothing to do with the presence of Avenged Sevenfold (more on them in a minute) stickers on the set.
S01E06 “The Gang Finds a Dead Guy”: While not as many topics as last time (though even that was a ton of topics considering it ticked in at just under 30 minutes), Day, McElhenney & Howerton still covered quite a few bases. Here’s a look at what caught our ear the most:
McElhenney sees the podcast going “pretty good so far” and in the same manner as the first season of IASIP, a bit of a messy work-in-progress that’s getting better as it goes along and gives the listener a chance to witness it evolve firsthand. That leads to a brief conversation about having both funny & serious moments on the show, with Howerton revealing that he used to feel the pressure to always “have” to be funny in interviews and things like that.
Tom Brady Alert! McElhenney has had dinner with the multi Super Bowl-winning quarterback (a dinner that Day declined), while Howerton’s wife Jill Latiano appeared in a commercial with Brady.
Living That Commercial Life: Howerton is definitely no fan of the commercial auditioning process, and he shares a great story from when he was first looking for commercial work. We learned what “BHB” means- and no, it doesn’t mean “Blow How, Boy!” (though it is anatomy-related, just a bit more “north” on the body). But while Howerton burnt out on commercials early, Day was hired on his very first commercial audition (for a Foot Locker gig) and tells a fun story about rehearsing the line, “I didn’t know she was your sister.”
The trio discussed what their dating lives were like when they were younger, with Day sharing a story of a kiss that went bad that if we’re being honest? I’m cringing about it all over again as I write this so I’ll move along…
After nearly insulting Avenged Sevenfold over just how popular they are, Howerton had a chance to check out the band and liked what he heard. That said, the challenge had been laid down. You have one song to hook him in or he’s already moved on. That said, an Avenged Sevenfold cover of “Birds of War” needs to happen.
Rider Strong & Charlie Day: Separated at Birth?
McElhenney used to work out a lot of his anger issues through racquetball… and breaking 1-2 golf clubs in the past two years… and a phone… and a laptop.
Howerton does an amazing impersonation of HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey, when HAL’s being shut down and he sings the “Daisy” song.
The podcast episode wraps after taking a particularly dark turn. Following up on Day’s question as to what the purpose of diarrhea would be if the lives we’re living were simulations, Howerton challenged the notion of seeing dead people one last time after they’ve died (funerals, viewing, etc.) with Day offering the kind of “What If…?” scenario that most podcasts wouldn’t be brave enough to send their listeners home on. But then again, they’re not “Always Sunny.”
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